Throughout life’s journey, while some healthcare situations are acute, like emergency room trips, other chronic conditions can affect us for years. Especially with long duration disease states, it is vital to learn how body systems may be gradually impacted, so potential problems can be managed and reduced. After all, to benefit from expert medical treatment we must first be self-aware of the need.
Did you know that, according to the National Kidney Foundation:
“Chronic kidney disease, or CKD, causes more deaths than breast cancer or prostate cancer. It is the under-recognized public health crisis. It affects an estimated 37 million people in the U.S. (15% of the adult population; more than 1 in 7 adults) and approximately 90% of those with CKD don’t even know they have it.” 1

People with kidney disease, transplant recipients, and people with other severe chronic medical conditions are at higher risk for developing serious complications from COVID-19.
Given these facts, it is estimated that for 37 million American adults with chronic kidney disease, 54% have some hearing loss. Please think about that, more likely than a coin flip.
The two main causes of CKD are diabetes and hypertension. Research indicates physiologic mechanisms of these circulatory system conditions may harm our ear’s tiny blood vessels, more often in older adults. Inner ear damage can also be caused by toxins related to kidney failure, as one thing can lead to another.
When you or your loved ones have chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension or kidney disease, evidence shows there is increased risk of hearing loss. Early detection is essential and research suggests that 5 healthy habits can help prevent or delay CKD’s progression.

Please invest a few minutes to learn more about CKD:
Key points include:
“Chronic kidney disease includes conditions that damage your kidneys and decrease their ability to keep you healthy. If kidney disease gets worse, wastes can build to high levels in your blood and make you feel sick. You may develop complications like high blood pressure, anemia (low blood count), weak bones, poor nutritional health and nerve damage. Also, kidney disease increases your risk of having heart and blood vessel disease. These problems may happen slowly over a long period of time.”
“Most people may not have any severe symptoms until their kidney disease is advanced. However, you may notice that you:
- feel more tired and have less energy
- have trouble concentrating
- have a poor appetite
- have trouble sleeping
- have muscle cramping at night
- have swollen feet and ankles
- need to urinate more often, especially at night.” 2
Knowing that hypertension is such a contributing factor to CKD, here is useful information from the Mayo Clinic on “10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication”, as always, in close consultation with your Doctors:
1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Vital Statistics Reports (NVSR). CDC website. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/
2 https://www.kidney.org/atoz/
Now that you know, who do you know?
Do you have chronic kidney disease or know anyone receiving dialysis treatment? Please see us or encourage them to get periodic evaluations to accurately assess type and degree of hearing loss. In close coordination with other medical specialists, we will suggest healthy options to improve your quality of life and awareness of hearing-related CKD risk factors.
While we take your hearing care seriously, a little laughter goes a long way.
Good Humor, Healthy Hearing

Meet Our Doctor
To health and staying connected,
Dr. Peter Marincoivch